I'm going to protest work!

So much for volunteering my precious time to fill in at work!!! I think it has caused unnecessary brain & mental damage. I'm too nice to say no, and I thought the extra hours would be nice BUT I thought wrong. I didn't think it was possible to run out of things to do at work or on the computer, but let me tell ya, it is!

I even asked 5 other girls at my work if they wanted to take my hours tonight but no one can. Convenient. I've already read two books, called companies to straighten out personal matters, assessed my finances, done misc. busy work, browsed ebay through & through, browsed wedding & event planning sites for inspiration, painted my nails, taken random breaks away from my desk, etc.....

NO MORE WORK! no more...I can't handle it....and yet, I have no choice but to still go to work. Well....I do....but then I'll be fired.

But, have no fear, I have found a solution to this problem!! I also know that the general manager is lenient and let's me do whatever I want if I ask, haha, SO...............I'm going to ask to leave a few hours earlier than I'm supposed to, and he will let me! I have so much power in this place it's ridiculous, but works great to my advantage!! :) Plus, in my defense, I work hard and do practically everything around here so I don't feel so bad....

MANIPULATION WORKS WONDERS! (I know, sounds bad, but just being honest here)

Craigslist Psychos!! Beware

So I have a pretty funny/interesting story...it's actually Justin's experience he's been telling me about that I'm stealing and sharing:

Justin decided to sell an old air-brush painting kit he had bought a long time ago but never used. So anyhow he put it up for sale on craigslist, and apparently, the guy who bought it (who also happens to be a transvestite - and I will refer to as "the psycho"), never checked out the contents, which were inside a bag when he picked it up. Well he ended up emailing Justin back complaining that there was a piece missing (Justin didn't know anything about it, and I guess that particular piece is only $6 brand new).

To make a long story short, the psycho kept harassing Justin and threatening to show up at his place and demand his money back n whatnot.....even did some background check on Justin through his company, and now threatening to take Justin to civil court over it! RIDICULOUS! Who tries to sue over a $40 air-brush kit anyhow?? Seriously! But the funny part is after he threatened Justin using all these legal terms n laws, Justin went on craigslist, and went under "terms & conditions," copied where it clearly states that everyone buys/sells at their own risk and that it is up to you to evaluate whatever it is you are buying, etc. Then Justin just emailed that to him and some other points that totally refute any of the psycho's points.

Anyhow, it just goes to show that there are always crazies roaming Craigslist and you can never be too careful!!

To completely change the subject - my skin definitely could use some sun and my body could use less of its weight! ha
We have this female Finance Director at my work and she is freaking toned like no other! Oh, and tan.....so I mean, come on, that doesn't really boost your confidence when you know you haven't been to the gym in a couple months and you look pasty white!
I guess it should be more motivation for me.....but somehow (for some reason) SOMETHING always gets in my way! lol

It's so easy finding blame elsewhere besides myself! ha (bad habit, I don't recommend it)


I did a small photo shoot last month - nothing major, nothing crazy....and I'm still waiting to see my photos!! I'm SO unbelievably impatient I feel bad for my photographer because I've already asked her 3 times on the status. But I did get a sneak preview of some on her camera & they looked good!! :) Hopefully she doesn't get too annoyed and decides not to send them to me after all!

I don't really have a reason as to why I did a photo shoot considering I have no desire or plans to be a model or in the modeling world, but I guess it was just something to do for fun. You only live once right? Well there was one down-side to this whole adventure: at one point, some guy passing by on his really nice chopper just stopped and told us we could use it in our photos if we wanted....well, before I could be warned, I walked over to it and my leg accidentally brushed against the exhaust pipe, and BAM, just like that I had my skin peeled back and burned pretty badly!! It was nasty :( and now I have a big scar below my knee!

As for my sister's wedding this past weekend...her professional wedding photos turned out AMAZING! I loved her photographers!! I'm booking them for my wedding I've decided. The photos turned out so cute and fun...overall really well!! Oh..wait....except for maybe one....all of us bridesmaids and bride are smiling and somewhere in the middle of this shot, there MUST have been a huge crisis with one of the bouquets because not just ANYTHING could've caused such a look of disdain on that bridesmaid's face as she peered down at her flowers! That, or she just ate something real bad....guess we will never know! Too bad the photographer didn't "accidentally" photo-shop her out of the photo.....

By the way, I can grill

So I completely forgot to mention a very significant event that occurred the other day!
I BBQed!!! AND BOY DID IT TURN OUT DELICIOUS!!!! I made butter & parsley red potatoes with a dash of vegeta, seasoned chicken breasts, and even grilled myself some corn on the cob! Mmmmmm I must say I did pretty well for my first attempt, ha. I think the corn was my favorite part - maybe because I haven't had it in so long....OR maybe because it was on sale 10 for $2, lol

You know, I've come to accept that I may not ever 'wow' crowds with my voice, nor asked to be on Dancing with the Stars, and I will never be a Rocket Scientist or Professional Ping-pong Player, BUT I do know how to make a good home-cooked meal, AND I bet I could be a Penmanship Artist if asked (those 2nd grade worksheets paid off). That being said, I'm content with my own talents....(I have more than I listed...I just wouldn't be able to fit them all on here, HAHA =D )

1 year, 3 months and counting...

Today is...
Mine & Justin's 1 year, 3 month anniversary!! ha =)
I can't believe it's really been that long - time flies!! But I think when you're in a great relationship with someone who truly makes you happy, you're enjoying your time together and making the most of it - which definitely makes things go by much quicker!

So anyhow, that has my day off to a good start, and I can only hope it will remain that way..
oooOoH no, spoke to soon; now I will be working two 14-hr days back-to-back memorial week, plus memorial day!! COFFEE!!!!!


....Story of my life...

On a different note: my sister, Naomi's wedding turned out very well in my opinion and I could tell she was very happy, which is all that matters anyhow! :) The floral arrangements and overall design we set up coordinated so well and looked great (thanks to Luigi and I mainly), haha jk. On the other hand, me & nance totally butchered our song....and nance laughing through the rest of the song didn't help either, lol. But the good part is I won't be running into any of the wedding guests again any time soon!!!

Oh, and of course, there were a few individuals present that weekend that I would have liked to ship off to Antarctica, where they may happily annoy each other. Unfortunately, that was not an option, so reveling in our imaginary schemes had to suffice. =D

Overall, it was a nice wedding, and I did cry just a little, but only briefly mind you...I was very happy for my sister!

Just getting started

Blogging world, here I come...

After most of my sisters started their own blog, I’ve finally been convinced it might be worth beginning my own, so here’s to ME and my first blog entry! – the first of many fascinating, emotional, and humorous writing pieces for you to enjoy!! Ha